Stay until the end for a special gift that will give you an unfair advantage in the world of influencer marketing!
Learn why your current influencer strategy might be wrong and uncover the growth hacks your competitors don’t want you to know.
Get a roadmap to attract the right influencers, negotiate effectively, and automate your campaigns from outreach to payments.
Discover how to achieve 5X better conversion results with significantly less effort. We’ll share battle-tested methods that will streamline your influencer marketing efforts.
Led by industry expert Stjepan Zelić, who has transformed influencer marketing with innovative AI solutions.
Walk away with practical tips that you can implement immediately to enhance your influencer marketing campaigns.
Real-life examples are the best way to learn, and we have stories to tell.
We'll make sure to reserve some time for frequently and not-so-frequently asked questions--make sure to prep them for the session! You'll get a chance to discuss your examples and interact with industry experts.
Stjepan holds degrees in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, specializing in the optimization of complex systems through artificial intelligence, particularly in logistical routing. With three years in influencer marketing, he has successfully applied his academic background to real-world challenges. As CEO of Hypefy, he has overseen more than 1,500 individual influencer collaborations and consistently outperformed industry benchmarks by 3-5x. His leadership has enabled the company to expand into seven countries and accumulate over 9 million data points in influencer marketing, establishing him as a data-backed authority in the industry.
Level up with Hypefy.
Otkrijte kako influenceri mogu povećati konverziju u B2C marketingu na našem nadolazećem webinaru.
MoreOtkrijte tajne uspješnog influencer marketinga: kako identificirati prave influencere, koje metrike su ključne i zašto je sve to bitno. Pozornost vam traži Stjepan Zelić, stručnjak s diplomama iz FER-a i Matematike, koji je s Hypefy timom proširio poslovanje u sedam zemalja, surađivao s velikim klijentima i prikupio više od 9 milijuna podataka o influencer marketingu.