Turning the New School Year into an Exciting Journey
As summer fades and the excitement of a new school year builds, Back to School season presents a unique opportunity for brands to reconnect with their audience and create meaningful engagement. At Hypefy, we understand the significance of strategic timing. Now is the perfect moment to launch a campaign that resonates with your audience and leverages the energy of this busy season.
Why Back-to-School Campaigns Work
- Relevance
Back to School season is a pivotal time for parents, students, and educators. Engaging your audience by aligning your products or services with their needs as they prepare for the new school year is crucial. Whether it’s school supplies, tech gadgets, or wellness products, this is the moment to showcase how your brand fits into their lives.
- Engagement
Capture the attention of your audience with content that speaks directly to their current priorities. By focusing on the needs and concerns of your target audience during this period, you can create content that resonates and drives higher engagement.
- Brand Awareness
The Back to School season is a critical time for shopping, making it an ideal opportunity to build and strengthen brand recognition. By launching a timely campaign, you ensure that your brand remains top-of-mind as consumers make their purchasing decisions.
Ready to Kickstart Your Back-to-School Campaign?
If you’re thinking about launching a Back to School campaign, Hypefy is here to help. We’re ready to collaborate and brainstorm with you to create a strategy that maximizes impact and drives results.
Let’s turn the new school year into an exciting journey—no stress, just success!
Stjepan holds degrees in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, specializing in the optimization of complex systems through artificial intelligence, particularly in logistical routing. With three years in influencer marketing, he has successfully applied his academic background to real-world challenges. As CEO of Hypefy, he has overseen more than 1,500 individual influencer collaborations and consistently outperformed industry benchmarks by 3-5x. His leadership has enabled the company to expand into seven countries and accumulate over 9 million data points in influencer marketing, establishing him as a data-backed authority in the industry.

Don’t miss these
Get actionable advice on your influencer marketing strategy in this 1h (FREE!) webinar! We'll cover three industry secrets learnt by our experts through the years that will allow you to run more successful campaigns with less effort.
Vrijeme je za rast prodaje! B2C marketing konverzija uz influencere!
Otkrijte kako influenceri mogu povećati konverziju u B2C marketingu na našem nadolazećem webinaru.
MoreOtkrijte tajne uspješnog influencer marketinga: kako identificirati prave influencere, koje metrike su ključne i zašto je sve to bitno. Pozornost vam traži Stjepan Zelić, stručnjak s diplomama iz FER-a i Matematike, koji je s Hypefy timom proširio poslovanje u sedam zemalja, surađivao s velikim klijentima i prikupio više od 9 milijuna podataka o influencer marketingu.
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influencer marketing with Hypefy?
Unparalleled convenience, authentic engagement, and remarkable results.